Eolus Vind AB
Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange
All conditions fulfilled regarding Eolus acquisition of majority share in an
American wind power project
Hässleholm, Sweden, 2017-03-10 21:45 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
In December 2016 Eolus subsidiary Eolus North America, Inc signed an agreement
to acquire a 60 % membership interest in Wind Wall Development, LLC from ZCF
Wind Wall, LLC. All conditions for the completion of acquisition have been
fulfilled and Eolus North America, Inc have taken over ownership of its share
of the company.
Together with ZCF Wind Wall, LLC Eolus, through Wind Wall Development, intends
to develop and construct a wind farm close to Tehachapi in California in the
United States with an installed effective capacity of about 40 MW.
For further information contact:
Per Witalisson, CEO, +46 10 199 88 02
Johan Hammarqvist, head of communications, +46 10 199 88 10
The information in this press release is disclosed pursuant to the EU Market
Abuse Regulation. The information was released for public disclosure through
the agency of head of communication Johan Hammarqvist on March 10th 2017 at
12.45 PM PST.
About Eolus:
Eolus Vind AB is one of the leading wind power developers in Sweden. Eolus is
active in the whole value chain from development of green field projects to
construction and operation of wind farms. Eolus offers attractive and
competitive investments in the Nordic and Baltic countries to both local and
international investors. Founded in 1990, Eolus has constructed more than 500
wind turbines of the approximately 3 300 wind turbines operating in Sweden. The
Eolus Group currently owns an installed capacity of 22 MW and a yearly
electricity production of 49 GWh. Eolus operates approximately 300 MW for
customers and the company itself.
Eolus Vind AB has approximately 5 000 shareholders. Eolus shares are listed at
Nasdaq Stockholm.
For more information about Eolus, please visit www.eolusvind.com