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History & Name

When Eolus was founded in 1990, we were a forerunner in Sweden. We can with humility and pride state that we paved the way for the commercialization of the wind power industry in Sweden. Deeply rooted in the Skåne earth, we lifted our gaze with a vision of a sustainable future. From small-scale, innovative energy production in close collaboration with visionary customers, we have stepped up toward new horizons, and neither geographical distance nor technical challenges have stopped us. More than 30 years later, we are one of Sweden’s most established listed companies in project development of renewable energy generation, with operations in five countries.


1990 Eolus is founded in Osby.

1991 The first 0.2 MW turbine installed on Öland.

1996 The first 0.6 MW turbine installed on Gotland.

2002 The first 1.8 MW turbine established in Skåne.

2004 The company moves to Hässleholm. The same year, our 100th wind turbine is installed.

2009 Eolus listed on Nasdaq OMX First North. The 200th wind turbine is completed.

2012 Establishment in the Baltics.

2012 Per Witalisson appointed CEO of Eolus after working as CFO between 2006 and 2012.

2013 Eolus establishes its 400th wind turbine.


Repowered Wind Wall project in the US

2014 Eolus enters Finland through the acquisition of two projects under development. Permit obtained for the Øyfjellet wind power project.

2015 Eolus’s Class B share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Small Cap. Eolus enters the US market and acquires two wind power projects in the state of Nevada.

2017 The company’s business concept is broadened to include not only wind power but also other forms of renewable electricity generation and energy storage. Eolus establishes its 500th turbine.

2018 Eolus continues to expand in the US through the acquisition of an early-phase solar energy and battery storage project.

2019 Construction start-up for the Wind Wall 1 repowering project in the US. Amazon Web Services, Inc signs a Power Purchase Agreement. Eolus now has operations in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and the US.

2020 Eolus’s Class B share is transferred to Nasdaq Stockholm’s Mid Cap list. Construction starts on the Øyfjellet project, Norway. Eolus completes its 600th wind turbine.

2021 Eolus enters Poland and appoints Daniel Larsson as Country Manager. 

2022 Eolus divests a battery project with a capacity of 120 MW and a solar and battery project with a capacity of 750 MW in the US. The Stor-Skälsjön project in Sweden is divested to MEAG.

In 2023, Eolus has more than 100 employees and operations in Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Baltics, Poland, the US and Spain. The Øyfjellet project in Norway is completed. The Swedish Skallberget, Utterberget, Tjärnäs and Rosenskog projects are divested to Swiss BKW.

Eolus was listed on nasdaq in 2009

Eolus (iˈoːlʊs) is an older Swedish form of the name of the wind god in Greek mythology, Aiolos. In The Odyssey, he lived on the island Aeolia and ruled the winds.

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