Eolus Vind AB
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Election Committee for Eolus Vind AB appointed
Hässleholm, Sweden, 2017-07-11 13:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
The Election committee consists of the following members:
Hans-Göran Stennert, Chairman of the Board, Eolus Vind AB.
Ingvar Svantesson, appointed by Domneåns Kraftaktiebolag.
Hans Gydell, appointed by Hans-Göran Stennert.
Hans Johansson, appointed by Åke Johansson.
According to a decision of the Annual General Meeting of 28 January 2017, the
Election Committee shall consist of one member appointed by each of the three
largest shareholders and the Chairman of the Board. The appointment of the
Election Committee has been carried out in such a manner that, Hans-Göran
Stennert, Chairman of the Board of Eolus, on the basis of the Euroclear list of
registered shareholders as of 31 May 2017, has contacted the largest known
shareholders in the company, who have been invited to each propose a
representative to the Election Committee. After such contacts, the Election
Committee has been appointed. In total, approximately 33.6 percent of the votes
are represented in the Election Committee.
The Election Committee's task is to present proposals to the Annual General
Meeting 2018 regarding the number of Board members to be elected by the AGM,
Board fees, composition of the Board, Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the
AGM, and Auditors and Auditor's Fees.
Shareholders wishing to come in contact with the Election Committee can contact
Hans-Göran Stennert, phone +46 706-06 62 62 or e-mail hgst@eolusvind.com. The
person who wishes to submit a proposal or comments to the Election Committee
may do so in writing by letter to:
Valberedningen, Eolus Vind AB, Box 95, 281 21 Hässleholm, Sweden
Eolus Vind AB (publ)
For further information contact:
Hans-Göran Stennert, Chairman of the Board +46 706 06 62 62
Johan Hammarqvist, head of communications, +46 10 199 88 10
The information in this press release is disclosed pursuant to the EU Market
Abuse Regulation. The information was released for public disclosure through
the agency of head of communication Johan Hammarqvist on July 11th, 2017 at 1
About Eolus:
Eolus Vind AB is one of the leading wind power developers in Sweden. Eolus is
active in the whole value chain from development of green field projects to
construction and operation of wind farms. Eolus offers attractive and
competitive investments in the Nordic and Baltic countries to both local and
international investors. Founded in 1990, Eolus has constructed nearly 500 wind
turbines of the approximately 3 300 wind turbines operating in Sweden. The
Eolus Group currently owns an installed capacity of 22 MW and a yearly
electricity production of 49 GWh. Eolus operates approximately 350 MW for
customers and the company itself.
Eolus Vind AB has approximately 5 600 shareholders. Eolus shares are listed at
Nasdaq Stockholm.
For more information about Eolus, please visit www.eolusvind.com