The conditions for continued expansion has been set

The Swedish and Norwegian governments today have announced that they agree on the management of the Swedish elongation of the electricity certificate system by 18 TWh according to the energy agreement concluded by the government with the Moderates, the Center Party and the Christian Democrats in June 2016. The Swedish government has also presented a bill dealing with these issues. Overall, the conditions for the continued expansion have cleared which Eolus regards as positive and welcome.
Key points:
- The new Swedish 18 TWh target will be included in the existing system.
- Projects in Norway can be built until end of 2021 to be eligible for elcerts until 2035.
- The quota curve for the new 18 TWh target will be linear between 2022 and 2030.
- Sweden will introduce a stop mechanism towards 2030 to prevent an oversupplied system. The stop mechanism should be in place in 2020.
- Sweden will make quota adjustments from 2018 to take care of the ingoing balance earlier than previously announced. That will lead to an increased demand for certificates from 2018.
- Technical adjustments to the system will be handled by the Energy Agency and not by the government/parliament, which means quicker processes.
For those who would like to read more there is additional information on this links (the content in the links are in Swedish):
Press release from the Swedish government.