AGM and seminar 2017

Eolus Vind AB (publ) will hold its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, January 28th, at 3.30 pm. The location is Hässleholms Kulturhus.
For more information about the Annual General Meeting and for the notification go to this page (link is not valid anymore)regarding the Annual General Meeting.
Documents to the AGM will be published in the following place, where documents for previous AGMs are also available
See actions (Link not valid anymore)
In conjunction with the Annual General Meeting, Eolus organizes a traditional wind power and environmental seminar. This years seminar is entitled “The Power of Climate Change” and is free and open to all.
Program for Eolus seminar 2017
9.00 Coffee and registration.
9.30 Eolus welcomes you.
9.35 Kikki Kleiven, researcher at Bjerknes Center at the University of Bergen. Klimatförändringar – anpassning och möjligheter.
10.15 Karin Stenmar, Environment Manager Folksam. Finansmarknadens roll i klimatomställningen.
10.55 Per Witalisson, CEO Eolus. Vind i USA – Eolus möjligheter på världens näst största vindkraftsmarknad.
11.20 Pause with mingel and opportunity to visit the exhibitors.
11.50 Per Witalisson, CEO Eolus, and Marcus Landelin, Deputy CEO Eolus. Eolus bidrag till en marknad i förändring.
12.15 Mia Bodin, Partner and Analysis Manager Bodecker Partners AB. Vad händer på elcertifikatsmarknaden?
12.45 Lunch.
13.40 Thomas Nilsson, senior originator Axpo. Elmarknadens drivkrafter och framtid.
14.20 Thomas Sterner, Professor of Environmental Economics, Business School at the University of Gothenburg. Den nödvändiga omställningen av samhället.
15.00 Coffee and registration for the Annual General Meeting.
15.30 Annual General Meeting Eolus Vind AB (sole shareholder).
Folder with this year’s program can be found here
Note that it is necessary to register for the seminar and that it is a separate notification to the AGM for those who wish to attend both activities. Registration with name, address and contact information is to be made to Please provide any allergies or similar for ordering of coffee and food.
For those who want to stay overnight, there are special hotel deals:
Hotel Göingehof
Hotel Statt