Eolus has signed new asset management agreements totaling 57 MW

Eolus has been entrusted to provide asset management services for 57 MW of operational wind power for the new customers Stugyl AB och NVA Näsudden Väst Adm AB. The agreement that covers both technical and administrative services is divided between two wind farms comprising nine and ten Vestas V90 3 MW turbines at Näsudden on southern Gotland. Eolus asset management of the wind farms begin on July 1, 2020.
-We look forward to provide asset management services for this wind farms for our new customers and are also happy for the further expansion of our operational portfolio. It will be exciting to work with asset management in southern Gotland since it is an area that long has been important for Swedish wind power says Johan Larsson, head of operations at Eolus.
Are you interested in knowing more about Eolus asset management services and how we can maximize output from your facility please contact Johan Larsson, head of operations.
+46 (0)703-909050