Eolus hosted Günther Mårder from The Swedish Federation of Business Owners

Today, Tuesday, August 29, Eolus hosted av vistit by Günther Mårder, CEO of The Swedish Federation of Business Owners. The day started with a visit at wind farm Legeved outside Kristianstad. At site in Legeved, besides Mårder, where also Magnus Engelbäck, Rolf Hjerpe and Destiny Näslund from The Swedish Federation of Business Owners. From Eolus, CEO Per Witalisson, construction project manager Thomas Henrysson and Head of communications Johan Hammarqvist participated.
After the visit in Legeved, a lunch was held at Eolus headquarters in Hässleholm, where local members of the The Swedish Federation of Business Owners attended as well as representatives from the municipality of Hässleholm. Per Witalisson informed about Eolus and wind power development in Sweden and globally before Mikael Kipowski, Head of the growth office at Hässleholm, informed about what is going on in the municipality. After that, Günther Mårder spoke about the success that The Swedish Federation of Business Owners achieved when the government withdraw its proposal for the so-called Entrepreneurial Tax, which had cost Sweden’s entrepreneurs annually SEK 5 billion if implemeted. Mårder thanked all members of the The Swedish Federation of Business Owners who supported the work in various ways to make the politicians realize that the Entrepreneurial Tax would be counterproductive for jobs and growth.
The Swedish Federation of Business Owners CEO Günther Mårder talking to med Eolus CEO Per Witalisson inside one of the wind turbines in wind farm Legeved taht comprises two Vestas V100 1.8 MW.
Construction project manager Thomas Henrysson (to the right) informs Rolf Hjerpe, Günther Mårder and Per Witalisson about the wind turbine.
At Eolus head quarters in Hässleholm Günther Mårder held an dedicated speech to his members from The Swedish Federation of Business Owners about the Entrepreneurial Tax that has been scrapped.
Günther Mårder talks to Mikael Kipowski that is in charge of the office for growth at the municipality of Hässleholms.