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Financial Goals

The Board of Eolus adopted a business plan for 2022–2024 outlining an expansion in all technologies and in all of our markets. Based on the business plan, Eolus has communicated the following financial targets:

Outcome 2023
Financial TargetsOutcome 2023
Average annual sales shall amount to at least 1,000 MW during the 2022–2024 period.In 2023, the Skallberget/Utterberget, Tjärnäs and Rosenskog projects totaling 125 MW were sold.
In 2022, 1,010 MW were sold. The average for the years 2022-2023 thus amounts to 567.5 MW.
The goal has not yet been achieved.
From 2025, average annual sales shall amount to at least 1,500 MW.Through a strong focus on the development of existing and new projects in combination with the
acquisition of projects, we create the conditions to have enough projects ready to sell from 2025 onwards.
During 2023, the project portfolio grew by 5,000 MW. This is a long-term goal that follows the plan.
The Group’s average return on equity shall exceed 10% per fiscal year.The return on equity amounted to 46 percent. Goal achieved.
The Group’s equity/assets ratio shall exceed 30%.The equity ratio amounted to 56%. Goal achieved.
The dividends paid by Eolus shall be based on long-term earnings and correspond to
20–50% of the Group’s profit after tax. However, dividends shall be dependent on the
company’s investment requirements and financial position.
The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 2.25 per share, a total of SEK 56 million for 2023.
The proposed dividend follows Eolus' dividend policy and is deemed to be justifiable with regard to the
group's financial position and future funding needs.
Goal achieved.

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