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Conversion of Shares

Eolus has two share classes: Class A shares and Class B shares. Class A shares entitle the holder to one vote at the Annual General Meeting and Class B shares to one-tenth of a vote.

Shareholders who wish to convert Class A shares to Class B shares in Eolus Vind AB should submit a signed application form by post to the address below. Unfortunately, we cannot process applications made by fax, phone or e-mail.

If the shareholder is a legal entity, the original application form must be signed by an authorized signatory or be supported by the authorized signatory’s original power of attorney.

Shareholders who hold Class A shares registered in a custody account with a trustee must refer to the trustee to request conversion. An application for conversion is binding and shareholders cannot revoke or discontinue a requested conversion.

Eolus processes applications received and reports these to the Swedish Companies Registration Office. After registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office and when Euroclear has entered the change in Eolus Vind AB’s shareholder register, the conversion is complete and the Class B shares are booked in the securities account provided.

Eolus Vind AB converts reported Class A shares to Class B shares after the end of each conversion period (January and July, respectively). Applications for conversion may only take place between January 1–31 and July 1–31.

The original signed form must be sent by post to:

Eolus Vind AB
Attn: Helene Jönsson
Box 95
SE-281 21 Hässleholm, Sweden

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