Eolus awarded with Skåne wind power prize 2019

In conjunction with Skånes Energiting in Malmö this years edition of the Skåne wind power prize was awarded. Eolus was one of three nominees and was the one that won the prize. The nomination for the prize is based upon the yearly environmental and wind power seminar held in conjunction with Eolus AGM. The prize was handed over by the national wind power coordinator Cecilia Dalman Eek.
The next seminar that Eolus arranges will be at January 25th 2020 in Hässleholms Kulturhus.
Click here to read the press release from Skånes Vindkraftsakademi (in Swedish only).
Sandra Johanne, Länstyrelsen Skåne/chairman Skånes vindkraftsakademi. Cecilia Dalman Eek,
national wind power coordinator. Per Witalisson, Eolus. Johan Hammarqvist, Eolus. Jakob Economou,
Energikontoret Skåne and Skånes vindkraftsakademi.