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Group Management

The Board of Directors appointed Per Witalisson as CEO of Eolus and made him responsible for the company’s day-to-day operations, in accordance with the provisions of the Swedish Companies Act and the Board’s guidelines and directives. The other members of the Group Management are Christer Baden Hansen, COO, Catharina Persson, CFO,  Heléne Sebrén, Head of HR, Karin Wittsell Heydl, Head of Communications & Sustainability and Karl Olsson, General Counsel.

Per Witalisson CEO

Born: 1971

Employed since: 2006, CEO since August 2012.

Education: Master of Business Administration

Previous positions: Auditor at Ernst & Young from 1996–2006, including as an authorised public accountant from 2003–2006.

Other roles: Board member of Triventus AB.

Class A shares: 15,925
Class B shares: 56,616

Christer Baden Hansen COO

Born: 1979

Employed since: 2023

Education: M.Sc. Economics and Business Administration

Previous positions: Leading positions within Vestas, including Vice President, Head of Global Sales, Vestas Group and part of the global Extended Leadership Team.

Other roles: None

Class A shares: 0
Class B shares: 15,317

Catharina Persson CFO

Born: 1975

Employed since: 2013

Education: Degree in Economics 

Previous positions: CFO at ACAP Invest AB (publ).

Other roles: Chair of Wind Farms Götaland Svealand AB and Wind Farm Jenasen AB. Board member of SD Förvaltning i Malmö AB.

Class A shares: 0
Class B shares: 8,500

Heléne Sebrén Head of HR

Born: 1969

Employed since: 2022

Education: BSc in Human Resources Management and Labor Law

Previous positions: Consultant assignment as Head of HR at Eolus, Head of HR at Tetra Pak, Sony Ericsson and Länsförsäkringar and HR consultant in own business.

Other roles: None

Class A shares: 0
Class B shares: 1,991

Karin Wittsell Heydl Head of Communications & Sustainability

Born: 1972

Employed since: 2022

Education: BSc in Communication Studies

Previous positions: Has held various positions within communications, including as Director of Corporate Communications and Marketing at Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB.

Other roles: None

Class A shares: 0
Class B shares: 5,965

Karl Olsson General Counsel

Born: 1963

Employed since: 2011

Education: Law degree

Previous positions: Lawyer at Setterwalls and Linklaters law firms and Corporate Lawyer on Vattenfall AB’s Group staff unit. Has also worked for and been part of the management team of Awapatent AB, as well as conducted his own business inTerrier Law AB.

Other roles: Chair of Vindkraft i Dalåsen AB. Board member and CEO of Terrier Law AB. Board member of Skogskovall AB and Rockneby Vind AB. Special service recipient for Snickaregatan Holding AB.

Class A shares: 0
Class B shares: 13,029

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